Driven Damped Cart Oscillations
Driven Damped Cart Oscillations
Magnets induce currents in the aluminum track and cause a drag force that is proportional to the cart velocity.
Driven Damped Cart Oscillations
In PASCO Capstone, a damped sine wave curve fit is applied to the data to determine the spring constant, period, and damping coefficient.
Driven Damped Cart Oscillations
The period can be directly measured to determine the resonant frequency.
Driven Damped Cart Oscillations Experiment
The amplitude of the cart’s velocity is plotted vs. the driving frequency. The amount of drag is varied by changing the distance between the magnets and the track.

The oscillator consists of a Smart Cart attached to two springs.

What's Included

See the Product Description for this item's included accessories.

What to Consider

See the Buying Guide for this item's required, recommended, and additional accessories.

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