Product Summary
Experiment Library
Perform the following experiments and more with the Four Scale Meter Stick.
Visit PASCO's Experiment Library to view more activities.
What is a Wave
Students model the relationship between wave frequency and wavelength by observing waves with different amounts of energy.
Periodic Motion: Mass and Spring
Students use a Smart Cart to determine the physical properties of a vertical mass and spring system that affect its period of oscillation, and then use their data to support a mathematical model relating period, mass, and spring...
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Students use a Smart Cart and dynamics system to explore how the kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and total mechanical energy of a cart/earth system changes as the cart rolls down an inclined track.
Graphing Motion
Students measure the position and velocity of a cart on a track to determine the relationship between position, velocity, and acceleration versus time graphs.
Magnetic Field Strength
Students use a 3-axis magnetic field sensor and the AC/DC electronics laboratory to determine how the strength of the magnetic field at the center of a current-carrying coil depends on the coil current and radius.
Significant Figures
In this lab, students complete a series of measurement activities to practice determining the correct number of significant figures.
Simple Pendulum
Students use a photogate and pendulum to determine the physical properties of a simple pendulum that affect its period, and then use their data to support a mathematical model relating period to pendulum arm length.
Two-Dimensional Motion: Projectiles
Students use a photogate and mini launcher to measure the variables that affect the two-dimensional motion of a projectile launched horizontally, and then use those variables to accurately predict and test the projectile's horizontal...