Dec 5th, 2023 — Biology • Engineering • Environmental Science • Physics

PASCO Visits Paris and Prague Partners

Last month, PASCO product managers met with our French and Czech partners to collaborate.

In November, PASCO had the opportunity to meet with our French partner, Sordalab, and our Czech partner, Profimedia

Watch this video for a walk-through of the PASCO Day event in Prague: Video Link

Our product managers, Roger Palmer and Jonathan Hanna, are integral to product development for PASCO in the subject areas of biology, chemistry, and physics.

Palmer described the experience admirably:

"They aren't just business partners; it felt more tightly integrated. They were very friendly, explained the challenges they've been facing with their product, and took a chance collaborating with us to change the design of their product to improve it, so together we resolved the issue."

In Prague, Palmer and Hanna attended a Teacher Workshop Day, which involved teaching nearly 250 people about PASCO products over a series of 6 workshops; Roger led sessions on motion and carbon dioxide sensors and highlighted GIS mapping, while Jonathan ran sessions on motion and dynamics carts. 

The following are descriptions of the workshops. For training resources on how to run these types of workshops for your own customers, please refer to the file, "PD Training Resources."

Physics and Engineering in a Modern Lab

Connect coding and studying kinematics and dynamics using the Smart Cart Motor and Smart Fan propeller drive. Create your "smart cart" from "scratch" by programming //code.Node and measuring an oscillating magnetic field.

Presentation of experiments on the subject of rotation, torque, optics using a set PASCO Meter Stick  and Optics Sets. Get to know PASCO's Motorized Structures and a way to control a drawbridge, crane, and robot using //control.Node.

Hands on Exploration of Photosynthesis

Experience photosynthesis! Join us to explore what plants need when they grow and produce food. We will use our Wireless CO2 Sensor, so that we convinced when they consume this gas during the daily cycle and when it they produce.

We will extend this task by simply programming the lighting greenhouse, so that we can best support plant growth. PASCO Grow lighting Light is one of the four measuring and programmable components of the Greenhouse Kit.


PASCO also set up an exhibition in the hall with demos of the Motorized Structures sets, PASCObot, Materials Testing System, and Greenhouse; see the Motorized Structures display below.

Products that introduce coding into the classroom, including the Greenhouse Sensor, Robot, and Structures, were specifically highlighted during this Teacher Workshop Day.