PS-2600 or PS-2600A Spectrometer will not turn on or is not charging.
Wireless spectrometer is not charging.
If you find that your spectrometer is not turning on or is not charging, please try the following to revive your device.
Please plug the PS-2600 or PS-2600A into a dedicated power source (cell phone charger), and press the recessed, reset button on the end of the spectrometer. They will need to use a straightened paper clip to access this reset button. It is circled in red in the image below.
Even after the reset, the controller for the LED's on the device may not have enough power to light up the LED's. It may take up to an hour for the LED controller to start showing the flashing LED lights to show that the spectrometer is charging. If not, please try pressing the reset button again after allowing it to charge for the hour.
Advanced Troubleshooting (Requires using a Torx driver to disassemble the device and proper ESD technique)
One last thing to try is to disconnect the battery from the circuit board. Place the battery between your hands to gently warm the battery. This can help increase the voltage of the battery above the critical cut off voltage and allow for the battery to be recharged. Following warming the battery, please reconnect the battery to the circuit board and plug the Spectrometer into USB power. Below is a link on how to access the battery within the spectrometer.
If the spectrometer is not responsive after trying this, then you may need to replace the battery. Replacement batteries for the Spectrometer can be purchased as part number PS-2569:
Battery warranty for rechargeable lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries
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For further assistance, please contact Technical Support at, through chat on this site during our business hours, or through our web form. Tech Support can also be reached by phone at 1-800-772-8700.