Visualizing Data in Google Earth
Earth Science • Environmental Science

Visualizing Data in Google Earth

It’s easy to geo-tag data in the field using the GPS Sensor. We already covered bringing data into ArcGIS online, and exporting data for Google Earth is as easy as 1-2-3.Collect your data using a GPS Sensor....

Introducing Cell Processes
Life Science

Introducing Cell Processes

Common student misconceptions about photosynthesis and respiration often arise from the inability to perceive these processes directly. Sensors can help students grow in their understanding of these two concepts and in their...

Glow Stick Kinetics

Glow Stick Kinetics

Want to illuminate the concepts of kinetics? Try Glow Sticks! Glow sticks are a very popular accessory around Halloween because they are cheap, portable and they give off a ghostly glow. But do students understand the chemistry...

Capstone Video Analysis

Capstone Video Analysis

One of the many exciting features of PASCO Capstone software is the ability to analyze high speed video. In this particular activity projectile motion is explored with the help of a PASCAR Dynamics System and a Ballistic...

Introducing Force and Newton's Laws
Physical Science

Introducing Force and Newton's Laws

With some assistance from some technology teaching tools, you can easily introduce your students to the concepts of force and Newton’s laws. Using just textbooks and a Force Sensor, you can provide your students with a...

Dissolved Oxygen Inquiry
Earth Science • Environmental Science

Dissolved Oxygen Inquiry

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is simply oxygen gas (O2) dissolved in water, but it’s one of the best indicators of a healthy aquatic ecosystem. For most freshwater environments, a DO concentration of 5–10 mg/L (or ppm) is needed...

Vapor Pressure and Humidity

Vapor Pressure and Humidity

Equilibrium and vapor pressure can be difficult concepts for students to visualize and grasp. Luckily, most students will be familiar with humidity. By using humidity, you can introduce equilibrium and vapor pressure in terms...

Evaporative Cooling

Evaporative Cooling

This activity can help refresh your students on the scientific method and provide some biological context to the "chemistry of life" content that often kicks off the school year. Perspiration is critical to human evolutionary...