Browse our Knowledge Base for answers to common product and software support questions. Be sure and also see our Product Guides and "PASCO How Do I?" videos for short tutorial videos on PASCO software and sensors.
Differences in Pairing PS-2600 and PS-2600A to Spectrometry software
How pairing of PS-2600 and PS-2600A Spectrometers differs.
Disposal Instructions for ezSample Snap Vials
How do I properly dispose of ezSample Snap Vials?
Electrometer is hard to zero or shows values that change rapidly
Precautions for use of and changing batteries within an electrometer.
Emergency calibration standards for pH sensors
Listing of pH of common beverages for emergency calibration references
Enabling chat on the PASCO website
How do I access chat help through the PASCO website?
Ensuring pin joint behavior in structures systems
Reducing moments at structures joints
Equipment used for the Chladni Plate Demo
What equipment is needed for a standalone Chladni plate demonstration setup?
Exploring friction with a Smart Cart
What are some good experiments into friction that can be run with a Smart Cart?
Exporting Data to Excel and SPARKlab files from SPARKvue on LXi2 (PS-3600B)
How do I export my data collected in SPARKvue on my LXi2 to Microsoft Excel?
Exporting Data with Wireless Sensors that use Integrated GPS
For sensors with integrated wireless GPS sensors:
Exporting files or data from Chromebooks running Spectrometry software
How do I export PASCO Spectrometry data from a Chromebook?